Our Initiatives

  • Educate

  • Collaborate

  • Advocate


Through in-person and virtual events, the Better Science Campaign seeks to educate students, budding scientists, and experienced researchers on the failures of animal-based studies to advance human medicine. Most people, including those in the sciences, assume that animal use in research is “a necessary evil.” We seek to provide a clearer picture and accurate information, so that scientists can advocate effectively for non-exploitative research methods.


We seek to cultivate a collegial network of scientists, students, laboratory workers, animal care facility staff members, and animal advocates. In addition to forging a constructive coalition, Better Science Campaign aims to offer trustworthy resources for animal care and lab workers. These include reading materials, video content, and safe group chats that facilitate connections amongst like-minded individuals and former animal experimenters whose perspective has changed.


Research subjects deserve unequivocal protections of their well-being and autonomy. Our advocacy work includes seeking enhanced protections for animals (akin to those of the Belmont Report for human research participants), urging policymakers to champion the development of animal-free study methods, and calling on federal funders to incentivize creative animal-free research models. We welcome suggestions related to advocacy from others who wish to see a future free of animal exploitation.

The most dangerous phrase in the language is ‘We’ve always done it this way.’ ”

-Grace Hopper

Please join us! Together we can change the world for the benefit of all who live on our planet.